
Free post #2: Unhealthy

Why do people kill themselves be eating unhealthily and not exercising? I mean we know what causes heart disease yet some people continue to eat Burger King and watch television all day. I mean some of them even have to nerve to say that they love their family. If they truly loved their family they would get off their lazy butts and eat some vegetables. The reason I care so much is that I'm just so frustrated by this relative that I have. He is a fifty year old man with a wife and one sixteen year old daughter. He eats extreme portions of food, unhealthy food that is and gets no exercise other than fixing a few things around the house when they break. His diet consists of packaged, processed foods; canned foods including the occasional corn and peas; all varieties of bad starch; soda, especially mountain dew, and sweets. His wife makes and buys all the food and I also blame her for his and their whole families’ condition. She doesn’t have the genes to be very large nor does she have the bone structure to be very large. He however is a completely different story. Their daughter inherited more of his genes when it comes to weight and she eats everything that he does. He has been fired by his cardiologist and quite frankly, if and when he has a heart attack, he will most likely die. Sorry but it's true. And the absolute worst part about it is that his wife doesn’t make real money, he supports the family and if he dies they are, pardon my expression, but screwed. His family is in major denial and if you even mention his health his wife starts panicking and says "Don’t say that!" over and over. The least she could do is recognize his problem and try to fix it but yet all she does it add to it! The one thing that really bothers me though is that they say they love each other to one another more than fifty times a day, literally. So they love one another yet they don’t care if a member of the family died? Now I’m sure that they obviously care and be sad if he did, but I mean come on, face reality. Just in case you were wondering what reality is: The man has a growing problem, it is as serious as a drug addiction, and he is going to die or end up paralyzed if he does not change his lifestyle! Nobody in my family has or ever will say anything about it but really if we loved him, we would. I believe the cost of his life is more valuable than being liked by his family. In a way I hope they see this article but in a way I hope they don't. I love my uncle but I guess I don't love him enough to save his life. In a way I understand how they can not say anything to him but my dad has those same genes and I constantly am on his case. So why can they do the same? It is so frustrating how some people have no self pride or responsibility. Did you know that his excuse for eating cookies for breakfast is that they absorb some of your stomach acid which makes you less hungry? I believed him at the time but after some research I now know its bull crap. I really hope he changes his life and body around soon or else I will be one uncle short very soon.

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