
Free Entry #1: Color

Color has so many shapes, forms, personalities, and attitudes. Let’s take blue for example. There's sky blue on a sunny day, soft and light, pure and clean. Small touches of white accent its beauty and flow through it like a maze.

Then there is sky blue on a stormy and rainy day, dark and mysterious, loud and angry. Large masses of dreary grey clouds fill the sky; they are sad and mad at the same time. Their whirl of emotions is shown through the strong wind that howls throughout the land. Rods of shining white lightning chase each other around the sky destroying everything they strike.

Then there is Pacific Ocean blue. It is quite clear and just the thought of it reminds me of paradise. It is cool, crisp, and refreshing. This blue is magnificent and luxurious.

Then there is Chesapeake Bay water. It is somber all day every day and has a color like polluted water. Clear jellyfish and red crabs swarm the bay. Pain and happiness are a strange mix for these waters. Kids play all kinds of water sports in it and the waves are stirred into foam white.

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