
Summary of Act 4, Scene 1

Titania and Bottom begin the scene with thier four fairy attendents. Bottom has become very cocky and spoiled. He orders Peaseblossom to scratch his head, and Cobweb to fetch him some honey. Then he says he would prefer dried peas to nuts when Titania asks if he is hungry. When he gets tired and goes to sleep he requests that he not be woken from his sleep. Titania falls asleep along side him, still madly in love. Finally Oberon and Puck enter and since he now has the Indian boy, Oberon takes the love spell off of Titania. She wakes up and is startled to find that she is sleeping next to an ugly, donkey headed man. Oberon tells Puck to take the head off Bottom and Oberon takes Titania to dance. Puck changes Bottom back to his normal self. Meanwhile, Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus are walking through the woods and come across the four kids sleeping. They slowly wake up and are half delusional. Theseus asks what is going on and all they know is that Lysander and Hermia love each other as do Demetrius and Helena. Lysander explains that he and Hermia were sneaking off from Athens to get married and Egeus gets mad. However Demetrius explains to everyone that he no longer loves Hermia, but that he is madly in love with Helena. Theseus states that all is well and all three couples, including himself and Hippolyta, will be married. Egeus is in shock but there is nothing he can do. When the adults leave the kids question what was real and what was a dream. They decide the confrontation with Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus was real and run off to get married. Bottom wakes up and decides his dream should be made into a ballad which he will sing after the play ends.


Summary of Act 3, Scene 2

The scene starts off with Puck telling Oberon what he has done to Bottom and Oberon being delighted to hear the news that his plan is working. When Lysander goes missing from Hermia [because he has fallen in love with Helena], she goes to Demetrius and accuses him of killing Lysander. Demetrius has no clue where Lysander is but makes side comments that if he were dead it would be nice. Hermia gets extremely angry and marches off to find Lysander. Oberon tells Puck he has made a mistake and to go find Helena. As Puck is getting Helena, Oberon squeezes the flower juice onto Demetrius' eyes. When he wakes up he sees Helena with Lysander close behind telling her how much he loves her. Now both men are in love with Helena. Hermia comes back into the scene and finds all three of them, and both men telling Helena that they love her. Helena then accuses Hermia of being in on this joke to humiliate her. Then Lysander and Demetrius want to fight for Helena's love. Hermia grabs Lysander’s arm but Lysander yells at her to get off. Then Hermia believes Helena has stolen Lysander from her and they get into a big verbal fight. However, Hermia wants to take it to the next level and starts to attack Helena. Of course both men prevent this and Hermia goes ballistic. Remembering that the other man loves Helena, both Lysander and Demetrius go into the woods to fight. Helena then runs away from Hermia even though she is shorter.


Summary of Act 3, Scene 1

The actors meet again to start rehearsing for the play but concerns are raised about the play being too scary for the ladies. A plan to write a prologue saying that the lion is not actually a lion and that Pyramus is just an ordinary weaver who does not kill himself is decided. They also decide that one man will need to play a wall and another the moonlight. As they are rehearsing, Puck flies by and turns Bottom's head into that of a donkey's. When the rest of the actors see Bottom the run in fear. However this has woken Titania and she wakes up to see an ass headed Bottom. She confesses her love for him and insists him to stay with her. She then orders four fairies to wait on him hand and foot.

Summary of Act 2, Scene 2

As Helena has now told Demetrius of the plan to elope, he has gone out in search of Lysander and Hermia. Helena chases after him, confessing her immense love for him. In return he tells her to go away, that he does not love her, and that the sight of her makes him sick. She stops running after him through the woods and accidentally runs into Lysander. Lysander has previously been anointed with the magic flower juice by Puck, who thought he was Demetrius. Puck has made a serious mistake. When Lysander wakes up he sees Helena and starts telling her that he loves her so much. She thinks he is mocking her and storms away. Meanwhile Oberon has taken some of the magic flower juice and put it on Titania while she was sleeping.


Summary of Act 2, Scene 1

In this scene one of Titania's [fairy queen] servants crosses paths with Puck, Oberon's [fairy king] servant/sidekick. Puck tells the other fairy to keep Titania out of Oberon’s sight because they are extremely angry at each other. Titania is taking care of a little Indian boy and Oberon wants the boy to become his knight. Oberon and Titania enter the scene and face each other. Titania gives a long speech about how there needs to be peace between them because it is affecting the mortals. Oberon refuses to make peace until Titania hands over the little boy. When she refuses he devises a plan to trick her into giving him the boy. He sends Puck to get a magical flower that, when placed upon ones sleeping eyes, will make them love the next person they see. He plans to put it on Titania when she’s sleeping and have her wake up to see an ugly beast.


Summary of Act 1, Scene 2

In another part of town, a group of actors meets at Peter Quince's house to start rehearsing for a play to hopefully be performed at Theseus' and Hippolyta's wedding. Quince tells them they will be performing the play The Most Lamentable Commedy and Most Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe. Peter starts to assign parts but a guy named Nick Bottom, a showoff, keeps interrupting him. Bottom is to play Pyramus, the man lover, and when told the kind of role he is to play, he remarks that he would be a better tyrant and starts to sing a song to show off what a good tyrant he could be. Francis Flute is to play Thisbe, the woman lover, however he is not excited because he does not want to play a woman. Again Bottom shows off by imitating a woman’s voice to show what a good Thisbe he could play. Quince will play Pyramus's father and Snug, the lion, who has supposedly eaten Thisbe. Snug worries he will not be able to memorize the lines but Qunice tells him he only have to roar. Upon hearing this, Bottom boasts that he would make the greatest lion ever. Finally Bottom is talked into playing Pyramus by Quince and they go off to memorize lines.

Summary of Act 1, Scene 1

Theseus is getting married to Hippolyta and the scene starts with them talking about the wedding. Egeus enters the room and starts to complain about his daughter Hermia. He wants her to marry Demetrius, but Hermia loves Lysander. Both men love Hermia but Egeus likes Demetrius better. Hermia refuses to marry Demetrius. Theseus scolds and warms Hermia that if she does not marry Demetruis she will either be killed or remain a nun for her entire life. Lysander accuses Demetrius of being engaged to Helena, Hermia's best friend, but calling it off upon meeting Hermia. Theseus tells Hermia to think long and hard about her choice and leaves the room with Hippolyta, Demetrius, and Egeus. Lysander and Hermia are left together. Lysander tells Hermia that he has a plan. He has an aunt who is rich and loves him as a son, they could get married there. Athenian law would not be in affect there. Hermia is really excited and she agrees to the plan. Helena comes in soon after and is told the plan. However she is madly in love with Demetrius and is jealous of the fact that Hermia hates Demetrius yet he loves her so. She devises a plan of her own. She will tell Demetruis of Lysander and Hermia's plan to elope. In doing so, she will gain his trust and possibly his love.