
Summary of Act 1, Scene 2

In another part of town, a group of actors meets at Peter Quince's house to start rehearsing for a play to hopefully be performed at Theseus' and Hippolyta's wedding. Quince tells them they will be performing the play The Most Lamentable Commedy and Most Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe. Peter starts to assign parts but a guy named Nick Bottom, a showoff, keeps interrupting him. Bottom is to play Pyramus, the man lover, and when told the kind of role he is to play, he remarks that he would be a better tyrant and starts to sing a song to show off what a good tyrant he could be. Francis Flute is to play Thisbe, the woman lover, however he is not excited because he does not want to play a woman. Again Bottom shows off by imitating a woman’s voice to show what a good Thisbe he could play. Quince will play Pyramus's father and Snug, the lion, who has supposedly eaten Thisbe. Snug worries he will not be able to memorize the lines but Qunice tells him he only have to roar. Upon hearing this, Bottom boasts that he would make the greatest lion ever. Finally Bottom is talked into playing Pyramus by Quince and they go off to memorize lines.

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