
Summary of Act 2, Scene 1

In this scene one of Titania's [fairy queen] servants crosses paths with Puck, Oberon's [fairy king] servant/sidekick. Puck tells the other fairy to keep Titania out of Oberon’s sight because they are extremely angry at each other. Titania is taking care of a little Indian boy and Oberon wants the boy to become his knight. Oberon and Titania enter the scene and face each other. Titania gives a long speech about how there needs to be peace between them because it is affecting the mortals. Oberon refuses to make peace until Titania hands over the little boy. When she refuses he devises a plan to trick her into giving him the boy. He sends Puck to get a magical flower that, when placed upon ones sleeping eyes, will make them love the next person they see. He plans to put it on Titania when she’s sleeping and have her wake up to see an ugly beast.

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